Tuesday, February 12, 2008

UFO Pictures - Provo, UT

Our Dad's friend took these pictures. Her comments are in italics.

Here they are in succession...one taken right after the other...mind you, these were not on a tripod...handheld only. I just was inclined to take pics when I saw the moon right there...I've seen it that way a lot, but this night in particular, I just felt like grabbing my camera quickly before it rose higher above the mountainside.

So I immediately zoomed in on the moon right after the above one. The reflection/blur is from not having my camera on my tripod I imagine.

Then within a second I took this one too..

(I took one more immediately after this but don't have it -- explained below)

So after taking these, I just glanced at them on my camera LCD and figured they were junk due to that funny looking moon blur...but a week later I uploaded all my pics from that card onto my computer and forgot about these. A couple months later I was deleting some bad photos from my computer files and was just about to delete these (I actually did delete the one right after this before I noticed this...it looked identical to picture number two here with nothing in it but the moon.)

As I was about to delete them all, when I noticed that gold thingie...zoomed in on it and cropped it...this is what it looks like.

One second it was there and then it was gone. It is too far away in the sky to be a bug or something...and a bug wouldn't be lit up like this by how many times (a lot!) I had to zoom in on it. Something that far away (even if it were a bug, wouldn't be glowing like this). It has very interesting dimensional shapes and looks like there is some kind of fin on the backside or something. I can't figure it out! But I do recall thinking back to about a week before I took this, a number of people in the valley reported seeing what they thought was a UFO over the Provo mountains one night. Hmmmm?! Dooo dooo dooo doooo...

PS: Just for fun...this is a full moon shot I took many months later on my tripod.

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